Monday, April 16, 2007

Mother knows best

At least in my case, that's true. Why I never learned to just accept that speaks to my foolishly stubborn and petulant nature. Case in point? The ex-husband, for one. Snap! She called that one! (but that's another sto-ray) Or how about the whole "don't put anything in writing that you wouldn't want the whole world reading"? Uh huh. Then along comes the internet? You see what I mean.

Mom is second generation Italian. Catholic, of course. Brought up in an era where God was vengeful in the form of nuns with names like Sister George, who carried wicked rulers. I mentioned the whole ex-husband thing, right? So tonight is the monthly meeting of Divorced and Separated Catholics. Mom wants me to attend. She wanted me to attend last month for the presentation of "The ABC's of Annulment". And the month before for "How Catholic Singles Have Fun Without Turning Out the Lights". No, I'm totally making that one up. Anyway, each month I get a reminder call from Mom the week before the meeting, then a call the day of the meeting. Promises are made on my part...I will try my best to attend. But something always comes up at the last minute. Like tonight? I had to come home and attend to my blog, drink beverages made of crushed grapes, and eat chocolate truffles (it's the new endorphin blaster diet).

All kidding aside, I'm still a practicing Catholic. But I'm also a live and let live kinda gal. As long as you're not a hater, or someone who likes to torture helpless animals, I'm probably okay with you. Which brings me to the knitting point...

Okay, so my adorable niece became engaged last October, and is getting married in July. To an adorable guy whom we love to call Bobby Bling. Bobby got that name one year when he was new to the family and was attending his first (maybe second) Thanksgiving dinner. As he reached for the mashed potatoes, his three pound, two ounce gold bracelet fell out from his shirt cuff and yours truly trilled "bling" to the enjoyment of all. Yeah, humiliation of boyfriends is de rigueur in our family. He loves the adorable niece to death, treats her like the angel she is...and it's all good.

So I'd been drooling over the cabled bolero on the cover of the Winter 2006-2007 Vogue Knitting, and decided it would make a lovely gift for the young bride to wear on her
honeymoon. The yarn (Nashua Cilantro in a creamy white) was in the stash and all signals
were go. Then...over Easter dinner, Bobby and Niecey made an announcement. They are with child. Do you see the tie-in yet with my mother? Are you guessing where this is going? Yes, Mom was not pleased. Mom was not happy. Mom did not understand why Mr. Bling couldn't keep it in his pants for a few more months.

Now, I'm not saying it's right, and I'm not saying it's wrong. What I am saying is, it's done! The horse, as it were, is out of the barn. So my thought is--let's be supportive of two people who intend to pledge their love and lives to one another, and are thrilled to bring a child into this world in general, and their family specifically. And of course, knitting-wise? Bo-nus! The cabled bolero is now a stroke of genius. Not only does it say special wedding or shower gift, but it leaves plenty of room for THE TUMMY. And...I get a new little body to drape with adorable and toasty knitted garments.

The bolero is a series of cabled pentagons knit together. I was going to show you a picture of my first completed pentagon, but Blogger is unwilling. That's okay. Had to rip out the second one because I lost a stitch somewhere and it just seemed easier to start again. The yarn is yummy--70% cotton and 30% polyester. It has a very soft hand, and a bit of springiness. I'm knitting down one size so it will be a snug, stretchy fit.

Venus (pictured below) in the Frogging entry, is on hold until I can visit a knit shop and enlist some help. Not that I can't do it myself, but it will probably go easier if I ask for help. Example--I only learned by talking to knitters last week that I should have used a life line so if I had to rip I would have placeholder to rip to. Glad to know there is always lots more to learn!


lv2knit said...

This is the kind of top that I hope my daughter will love so I get to make it! It is gorgeous but way too young for moi! I hope the unique construction proves viable. On the baby front: I'm with you. Love the baby with all your heart and be grateful that the parents are getting married. These days that is something.

Anonymous said...

Uh,er,'re not going to believe that I stumbled onto your blog. I have no idea what you're talking about. (Perhaps that's because I don't knit?) But the crazy thing is, I have read every word. I like your writing style and I'm so glad that I found this.


Knitizen K said...

to AaL: Are you serious? You totally crack me up. Funny how two people who have so little in common (let me count the ways...) can still enjoy the style in which the nonsensical subject matter is written. Btw, I have read in the last few days a few people saying how much they are enjoying Workout, and one person said she was picking it up now that the L Word season is over (THAT I can discuss thanks to a friend's tivo). Excited me that I had at least a clue what they were talking about. Now someday you will overhear someone talking to a friend about dropping stitches and wishing she had a lifeline, and you will totally get it..sort of. See how well this is working out so far?

Knitizen K said...

to lv2knit - either that is not a recent photo of "the sisters", or you are not in possession of an appropriate body image. That bolero would look awesome on either one of you (whichever sister you are)! Having said that, I like both your current projects anyway, so rock on.

Anonymous said...

I think you might want to visit your LYS in Sewickley...tell the girls you have a bag on the tree in the back with your name on it.

I'm jealous of your visit to Maryland...want to hear all about it when you return. I'll be working Sat, 5/11 or will see you this Monday for the yarn guild meeting.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, no Maryland for me again this year. My nephew is graduating from Gannon with his master's. I'm going to help him celebrate!!
You have a bag of yarn on the tree in the back...ask for it the next time you are in. Its a present but not from me!!