Friday, May 18, 2007

Big Love

or...10Things I Learned From Dogs

1. Dogs can fill your heart with love until it's spilling over, then they will fill it some more.
2. Big dogs equal big lovin'.
3. The sound of your car's exhaust system will become hard-wired into your dogs' brains, causing them to wake from a sound sleep as your car rounds the corner onto your street.
4. Dogs will lick the tears from your face when you cry, nuzzle your neck with their noses until you giggle, and knock you over with their big hairy hugs.
5. There is no such thing as lonely with your dog at your side.
6. Dogs are somewhat easier to train than men.
7. Dogs will walk right by a fresh cold bowl of water to the bowl of water on which the seat was left up by the aforementioned man.
8. Dogs are never ungrateful.
9. Dogs will help you with your diet by eating the extra servings, will exercise you until you drop, and will still love you when you don't lose an inch.
10. A dog will teach you your own humanity memory of a little yellow poodle who is right now wagging her tail, and waiting for her owner in heaven